Return loans no later than the due date. Then you will not get any late fees.
You can return your loans to any unit of the LUC Library in Kemi, Rovaniemi and Tornio. An exception is the University Library's reading room loans. You can only return them to the University Library.
Return loans at the library using the returning machine. You do not need a library card. Finally, check the receipt to make sure that all loans were returned.
When the library is closed, you can return loans to the return box. Return boxes are emptied on weekday mornings, except in the Minerva Library, where it is emptied once a week. During holidays, there is a delay in emptying the return boxes.
Kosmos Library Kemi: At the door A, on the Tietokatu side
Minerva Library Tornio: At the E-door, on the Lappia side
University Library Rovaniemi: At the main door of wing A and outside the library door in the main lobby of the university
If you are unable to visit the library, you can also return loans by post at your own risk. See the mailing addresses of our libraries.