Library card

You can borrow printed materials once you have acquired a library card and committed to complying with the rules of use. Borrow books and other materials at the lending borrowing machine.


  1. Students of Lapland University of Applied Sciences and University of Lapland
    You will find your library card in the Tuudo app. Download Tuudo, log in and select Library. If you already have a LUC Library card, it will be automatically updated in Tuudo. You can also add a card manually. See Tuudo instructions
  2. LUC Community Staff
    If you work at Lapland UAS or the University of Lapland, fill in the customer information form and follow the instructions. See also the Library section of the LUC intranet.
  3. Other customers
    Register as a customer in LUC-Finna. Once you have filled in and submitted the form, the information will be transferred to the library's system. Come and visit our customer service in Rovaniemi or Kemi. We will add the library card to your account. At the same time, prove your identity.

The library card is personal, and you are responsible for the materials that you borrow. If you have any questions, please contact

The e-resources of the library are accessible by student and staff credentials or at the library premises.

See also: LUC-Finna - Login and My account.

Loan periods

The loan periods vary depending on the material that you borrow. The collections also include material that you cannot borrow but can use in the library.

  • Books: 28 or 14 days
  • Journals, audio-visual material: 7 days
  • Reading room collection: 1 day
  • University Library Course Book Reading Room Collection: Reading Room Use Only

Please note that a book with the same title may have several different loan periods.
Check the loan period of the book you borrowed from the receipt, your loans from LUC-Finna or Tuudo.

Renewal of loans

Renew the loans in LUC-Finna or Tuudo. Or ask us to renew your loans. Contact us by email, phone or chat, or visit the customer service in Kemi or Rovaniemi

You cannot renew the loan

  • if there is a reservation for the material.
  • if you are banned from borrowing, i.e. you have fees of 5 € or more.
  • if the material has been on loan to you for more than 2 years.

If the renewal is not successful, return the loan or contact customer service


Return loans no later than the due date. Then you will not get any late fees.

You can return your loans to any unit of the LUC Library in Kemi, Rovaniemi and Tornio. An exception is the University Library's reading room loans. You can only return them to the University Library.

Return loans at the library using the returning machine. You do not need a library card. Finally, check the receipt to make sure that all loans were returned.

When the library is closed, you can return loans to the return box. Return boxes are emptied on weekday mornings, except in the Minerva Library, where it is emptied once a week. During holidays, there is a delay in emptying the return boxes.


Kosmos Library Kemi: At the door Q, on the parking area side
Minerva Library Tornio: At the E-door, on the Lappia side
University Library Rovaniemi: At the main door of wing A and outside the library door in the main lobby of the university

If you are unable to visit the library, you can also return loans by post at your own risk. See the mailing addresses of our libraries. 


If the book or magazine is available in your own campus library, pick it up from the shelf and borrow it at the borrowing machine.

In LUC-Finna, you can reserve books and magazines that are available on another campus free of charge. You can also make a reservation when all books are on loan. Remember to choose the right pickup location. Reservations are shown in your personal information in LUC-Finna and Tuudo. 

When your reservation is available for pickup, you will receive a notification by email and Tuudo. Pick up the reservation during the pick-up time from the self-service shelf and borrow at the borrowing machine. The fee for an uncollected reservation is 2 euro. Price list >>

You can cancel a reservation in LUC-Finna if the book is not yet on the pick-up shelf. If you wish to cancel your reservation after the pick-up notice has already arrived, please contact the library's customer service


  • Materials present in your campus library. The location of the material on the shelf and the pick-up location of the reservation cannot be the same.
  • Material with a loan period of 0-1 days
  • Material you already have on loan
  • Material you already have a reservation for


Email notifications

You will get automatic email notifications from your library

  • As the due date of the loan approaches
  • on the due date of the loan
  • when the material you have reserved is available for retrieval.

The library cannot guarantee the delivery of notifications in all situations. As a customer, you must monitor the due date of your loans and the status of your reservations in LUC-Finna or Tuudo. Please contact Customer Service if you have any problems receiving the messages

Fees and price list

Overdue fees

For overdue loans, we charge a late fee in accordance with the service price list

  • Day and weekend loans 1 €/book/day, maximum 10 €/book
  • Other loanable material 0.5 €/book/, maximum 5 €/book
  • Laptops 10 €/day

If you get payments of 5,00 € or more, you will get a lending ban. It means you cannot borrow, reserve or renew loans until you pay the fees in full, or reduce the below the limit 5,00 €.

If you loose, damage or destroy library material, you must also replace it.

Read the instructions for online payments.

You can pay with card at the library customer service or online in LUC-Finna. 

Audiobook services from Celia

Do you have dyslexia or is reading a regular book difficult for any other reason?
Ask Celia's audiobook service from the library's contact person:

  • Kemi-Tornio 040 575 0937
  • Rovaniemi 040 834 4893

See also Accessibility-page.

Interlibrary loans
Loans from other libraries


Interlibrary service is an activity between libraries. At your request, the library will order materials from domestic and foreign libraries as loans or copies that cannot be found in the Lapland University Consortium Library.

Interlibrary loans and copies are not sent directly to private customers, but the local library always acts as an intermediary. To order an interlibrary loan, you need a customer relationship at the Lapland University Library. Interlibrary loans are a paid service, check the prices.
Submit an interlibrary loan request using the form.
Material requests from Kuopio National Repository Library are free of charge. Please notice! National repository library requests will be unavailable during the relocation of the National Repository Library.

All loans ordered through the interlibrary service are visible  in the customer's information in LUC-Finna. You cannot renew interlibrary loans by yourself but through our interlibrary service.

If you need archival loans from the National Archives of Finland, please contact the interlibrary service.


  • Sanna Anisimoff, tel. 040 484 4316
Loans to other libraries


  • books and course books from the general collection
  • Copies of articles are mainly sent from journals, older issues can also be interlibrary borrowed
  • Copies of articles will be sent from e-journals if the license terms allow it
  • Theses are only sent as reading room loans
  • No reading room materials are available for interlibrary loan


  • Interlibrary loan order form for libraries (only in Finnish)
  • The loan periods for interlibrary loans to libraries are the same as for local customers, with the exception of theses, where the interlibrary loan period is 28 days.
  • Libraries can renew their interlibrary loans in LUC-Finna with the library's own customer IDs. The book can be on loan for up to two years.


  • Sanna Anisimoff, tel. 040 484 4316
Book transportation between libraries in Lapland


Book transport is available between libraries operating in Lapland.

If you live in a municipality or city in Lapland that does not have a LUC Library unit, you can order books from our library to your local library. Just contact your local library and ask them to order a book. Remember to confirm the price of the service.



  • Sanna Anisimoff, tel. 040 484 4316
Help with finding relevant information sources

Do you need help finding good information sources? Information specialists of the library will help you with the different stages of information retrieval and advise on the use of library materials. Guidance is free of charge for the students and staff of Lapland UAS and the University of Lapland.

The service is available online and on site at the library.

Guidance for information retrieval

The e-resources of the library are available around the clock via LUC-Finna.


Information retrieval teaching and courses


Information retrieval teaching is included in the studies as part of other courses. Teaching is integrated to support studies at precisely those stages where it is most useful for the students.

  • Start your UAS Studies
  • At the beginning of studies
  • At the thesis stage
  • Integrated as needed at other stages of studies


Information retrieval teaching is organised at the university as separate courses. Enroll for the courses in Peppi.

  • TUTA0401 Introduction to Information Retrieval 0.5 op 
  • TUTA0402 Scientific Information Retrieval 2 op 


The library offers information retrieval guidance for researchers and RDI staff. Enroll for courses in Peppi.

  • TUKO1289 From research design to impact 2 ECTS credits
  • TUKO1203 Research Data Management 2 ECTS credits
  • TUKO1306 Research data management (self-study) 1 ECTS
  • YMEN1804 Scientific Information Retrieval 2 ECTS. The course, aimed at undergraduate students, is also open to doctoral researchers. The course material is freely available to researchers.


Guidance for groups

If you would like to book a guidance for your unit, work group, project group, thesis or other seminar group, please contact us by filling out the form.


  • Library info: getting to know the library and the services offered by the library
  • How to search good information sources?
  • How to publish your thesis in Theseus or Lauda?
  • Sources of information in a particular discipline
  • Mendeley Reference Management Guided Tour
  • Other topic of your choice

Book a guidance using the form

For researcher
Supporting research

The library offers support for researchers, teachers and other experts especially on open science, publishing, research data management and researcher's visibility. 

We are also responsible for collecting publication data and provide guidance on the use of the University of Lapland's research portal LaCRIS and Lapland UAS' Justus reporting service.

Researcher's Guides support teaching, research and development with guidance and practical tips. We also offer personal advice and arrange training and courses.

The wide variety of printed and electronic collections are at your use. You can directly influence the contents of our collections, for example, by suggesting an acquisition.


  • Choosing a publication channel 
  • Impact and visibility 
  • Open science  
  • Publishing with the University of Lapland 
  • Publishing a dissertation 
  • Research data management and data management plans 
  • Researcher identifiers
  • Training and courses

  • Scientific and artistic outputs
  • Research profile
  • Self-archiving

Research portal

Update your profile in research portal

Suggest an acquisition (course books in intranet)

Training and courses
Training and courses for researchers

You can order training, workshops and presentations from the library for example for faculties and seminars by contacting

 We offer courses for researchers mainly with the Graduate School. 

The course registration takes place in Peppi. 

National collaboration in doctoral education

Doctoral researchers can apply to courses offered by the national collaboration in doctoral education.